Why, again?

Two weeks ago, when the website suddenly seemed to disappear, this was shared on the Facebook page. And a beautiful new website should be available in another week!


Box of Spirit Moxie business cards

“So what are you trying to do? I’ve read your stuff, but….” 

For the past few weeks you haven’t heard much from me. We’ve been developing the new logo. I have fabulous new business cards. The website is being redesigned (which is why it’s down). A brochure about some new workshops is being developed, but slowly. Somehow a Spirit Moxie t-shirt arrived in my mail.

But why?

Spirit Moxie began with a simple premise: what we do, what you do, affects the world. And if we do enough positive things together, the world can change for the better.

There are a few other assumptions. One is that the world is already a pretty amazing place. The second is that you’re pretty amazing, too. (If your immediate response to this is, “yeah, right” remember I didn’t ask. I told you this is true. So just shrug and keep reading.) Some of the things we do to change the world also changes us.

Along with these assumptions are some things I’ve learned. For instance, chaos can be positive. Being open to this concept distorts and truncates time and reveals hope. I’ve also learned that change probably won’t look like you or I thought it would. Another assumption is that a person needs to do only what they are supposed to do right now. You aren’t going to change the world through massive effort. But the world will change if you do what is given to you to do. 

For example, right now all I’m supposed to be doing is writing and drinking coffee at a classic breakfast place downtown. Not the laundry. Not discussing and solving some political problem. Not worrying about kids or money or my health. All those subjects will probably have their time when they become the priority (especially the laundry). But now? Drink coffee. And write. 

But why? Well, creating Spirit Moxie felt and still feels like something that’s supposed to be. It was created as a place to have this conversation on the little things that can change the world and how that might indeed happen. It is designed to highlight and  celebrate those little things and so change the world, and probably ourselves as well. And Spirit Moxie is growing and continuing so we can do this together.

Chaos needs us!

Questions? (and “see” you soon!)

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