Welcome 2024

Remember who you are. 

upside down one way signThis year I struggled with a post about the new year, which is why this post is early in the year, but not at the very beginning. I reread all the former end of/beginning of year Spirit Moxie Conversations. (I suggest the core 1916 post “Dream” and last year’s “Foundations.”) I wrote a lot of rough drafts about “unease,” which is hardly the most positive word for 2023. Plus, it wasn’t entirely true. Then, on a New Year’s Eve flight to visit my son and his family, I understood. Besides wondering why travel always freed me, I realized I’d stopped claiming who I am at my core. And that was the source of the unease I felt.

Have you forgotten who you are? Has the chatter in your head become so loud that you’ve also forgotten your beauty, resilience, and general fabulousness, which, by the way, are three things I know are true about you? 

The first clue I had that I’d forgotten was my reaction to a challenge from Amanda Fuel as part of a finance game in which I’m participating. What percentage of my life is determined and guided by me and what percentage is guided or manifested by the magic of the Universe/God/Chance (choose your phrase)? She was working on a 55%/45% relationship for herself. I’ve heard 10%/90% as well and vice versa. If you find these percentages useful, play with them. How much of the determining factors do you bring and how much do you want to happen to you through forces outside of you?

Thinking about this, I realized that what meant the most to me wasn’t percentages, but recognizing that there is a partnership between the two. Somehow, for me, that partnership had been shaken and become unstable. While I have had dreams and goals, somehow they had become just words I’d written. In other words, to be effective, I needed to actively remember who I was and who I am so the Universe (or whomever) could do its magic.

clouds from plane windowThe second piece to help you remember: I kind of dare you to try. It is an exercise I love that apparently pushes people’s buttons. Ask someone — using these exact words — “Tell me how I’m fabulous.” You can ask me that question when you see me in person. Or, send me a private message. There’s two parts to this apparently very vulnerable question: 1) You learn things about yourself you’ve never noticed before and  2) It’s a gift to the person being asked. To look at you that way and share is exciting, interesting, and bonding for the person responding. We love the challenge to ourselves to look at you this way. Plus, we’ve  been wanting you to know! So my request to ask me is pretty much all self-interest!*

Who you are at your core is what to bring into 2024. Your own greatness. Your job, if you will, is to remember that that greatness is  there. Yes, include those dreams. Use the word “goals” if you prefer. It’s fun if some of them are huge and some are tiny. Share those too.

The world needs you exactly as you are right now. Yes, you’ll change. But breathe into now, the you of early 2024.  And, in the next step you take, breath into that you too.

Thank you!


*I I know I got this exercise from someone else, but haven’t been able to find it again.

All images by Spirit Moxie:
Upside down sign: Is this how the end of the year felt?
View on the New Year’s Eve flight


Welcome to 2023!

Those who have read my previous posts for a new year have been invited to dream, choose a word or phrase to guide us, and otherwise embrace the year we’re entering (even 2021 with all its uncertainty). I still believe that all these activities are useful, empowering, and, often, engaging. But now that this new year has begun, let’s pause once more and claim the best for it slightly differently.

This year, I sense that there is more power in beginning with a three-part template. First, truly claim the power of gratitude. Second, dare to stand firmly as who you are rather than in some idealistic version you’ll magically become by next December. Finally, yes, restate and re-envision your dreams — and connect them to gratitude.

Picture of puzzleOK, but how does this really work in practice? Begin with, “What am I grateful for that occurred in 2022?.” What brought delight? Did you catch glimpses of joy? Then share those experiences! If you’re stuck, just naming that you made it to a new year is a great beginning. I’ve met new friends. I am actually cooking again fairly regularly. A health scare was easily resolved thanks to my community and great doctors. And I could go on: the demand that Corner of Calm continue; finishing a puzzle before I left from my Christmas visit to family. 

You may have had some terrible, terrible things happen during the past year. Acknowledge that. Then look for tiny things to give thanks for if you can’t find big ones. This isn’t a Pollyanna-ish exercise. Set a timer for five minutes, get as still as you can, and write down whatever gratitude you see. Share one or two in the comments (sharing gives gratitude power). Post on Facebook. Send me an email. Knowing there was good in 2022, however hard or easy it is to find it, lays a base. It’s the difference between, “Prove yourself stupid time marker!” vs “I can see glimpses of what can be good in a year! Interesting.” 

The second piece of our New Year’s claiming is you. Yes, You! One of the phrases I heard a lot last year was the deceptively simple statement, “You are enough.” If you really want to mess with what we believe, we can add in my claim that you’re perfect. What? I know both of those statements anger our critical minds, but reread what I wrote about “perfect” before you get all defensive. Neither of these statements means we can’t and won’t change. What happens is that we become even more who we are. I really do know you are awesome and it is crucial to a wonderful new year that you see it, too.

Dog on lapHere are a couple of exercises that can help. For me they involve writing, but a conversation with a really good friend or an activity that involves some other means of expression (drawing? making up a song? going on a thoughtful walk?) works, too. Name 5 to 10 of your gifts. I would guess that a couple of them even got stronger last year. I, for example, have bonded more with animals. None of these gifts have to be huge (although I would bet some are). “Calm during COVID” is still one of mine. If you really can’t think of anything, it might be useful to start keeping a list of compliments. I’m not sure from whom I got that exercise, but I have a place to write down “chill” when that was applied to me. Just the word. Some of you may have more physical things to name as gifts, although I would hope most of those (“my business took off”) were in your gratitude list. 

It is from this place of naming who you are, even if others don’t always see it, that we bring strength to the third part. Dream and vision. Plan if you must (as someone not linear, I truly forget that often you are), but don’t set those plans in stone. What we want are destinations and some eagerness to take steps towards them. But it isn’t the steps we are naming here. It isn’t “I’m losing weight.” Or even a particular weight number. But to be able to say, “I’m truly happy with my body.” Not, “I’ll be debt free,” but “I live in true abundance.” Not even, “I want better experiences,’ but “I know delight.” Name the end, not the means. As Mike Dooley says, you set your GPS and then move. If we head the wrong way with a GPS, we are redirected. 

Finally, as part of this visioning, give thanks for your dreams right now. I give thanks for my body. I delight in what I have and do. I know joy. Fuel. A stillness and foundation full of momentum. Paradox. 

Gruet champagne bottleI’m not sure what images work for you as you enter this new year, but I know that you can only embrace them as yourself. And yourself is fabulous. Right now. I see that. Plus, remember that the groundwork from last year supports the vision for this one.

I toasted my new year with champagne bubbles and, today, I might do it again with herb tea. You?

  Welcome to 2023!


All photos by Spirit Moxie. From the top:

Puzzle finished over Christmas
Dog on my lap
New Year’s bubbles

It’s a New Year – ReSet!

2020-21 Happy New Year

“May you live in interesting times.” For a lot of people, this curse of ambiguity and possible danger encompassed by the word “interesting” has certainly applied to 2020. Maybe you were bored to tears. Or, perhaps you were called or forced to work exponentially harder in increasingly unsafe conditions. Maybe great things happened; yes, that was possible. 

One of the exercises we did in Spirit Moxie’s recent ReSet for the New Year retreat was to name a bit of gratitude for 2020, while remembering that “liking” and “being grateful” are not synonyms. If gratitude has disappeared for you, here is a link to our original post “Give Thanks.” It is only from this place that we can truly reset for 2021.


Ah, but then what? Every year there seems to be a new trend. Claim a word. Dream (which was Spirit Moxie’s a few years ago). Or whatever. They all work. This year the trend seems to be something along the lines of “who do you want to become?” or “in what direction are you and what you are about headed?” 

There’s still a disagreement about giving up resolutions. You know, those lists of things we  said we “should” that usually were ignored or forgotten before the end of January? On a related note for several years I had excellent results listing goals—if excellence means that I wrote them out and then looked at them a couple of times a year to see if any actually happened. I seem to remember things like “submit poems for publication” and then going back to my list and thinking, “Oh, I did that!” (or didn’t as the case may be).

Being human, we are wedded to things and results. So, for 2021 I’m inviting you to a use a combination of the above New Year’s responses. First, name the things you would really love to have this year or the results of your endeavours you would like to see. Now look underneath. What experience or feeling would that thing or result give you? 

During our ReSet retreat, people ended up going from “getting out of the house” to being useful, from cars to adventure. Many participants named wanting to feel zest and joy again. And so, we took the first steps into the possibility of the new year. 

Grassy path

When I look at this for myself, one concrete “thing” I want is to be debt free. I can go with this to what seems obvious: feeling abundance. Except I actually already feel this. So, I need to follow that thread of feeling and being a bit further. In the end, to my surprise, I am experiencing a deep yearning for a huge expansion in the impact that’s possible for Spirit Moxie. In other words, it would mean many people actually getting that what they do, and do together, can change the world. Underneath that vision. I have simply a general feeling of expansiveness without completely understanding what that might mean. Do I know how to get there? No. But naming and recognizing this feeling is today’s first step.

So maybe I’m ending once again with a dream. Where does going underneath your wishes and desires take you? Name it. Take a step. Share.

If you want more inspiration here are the links to previous New Year Conversations: 

Dream (2016)
And a year begins… (2017)  into 2018
Welcome to the New Year (2019)
2020 (2020) -Find beauty. Explore. Share. (almost the whole post)

Graphics and photos (from the top):

2020-21 Happy New Year —Vecteezy.com
Stack of Journals — Spirit Moxie
Grassy path at Voice of America MetroPark (paths always symbolize steps for us) — Spirit Moxie